Hello. My name is Steve and I’m a junior software engineer based in the UK. 

After spending over 10 years in the financial services industry working as an actuarial analyst I decided to make the career change and move into software development. In terms of culture, the tech scene and actuarial are complete polar opposites to each other. This was an exciting move for me and I’m looking forward to seeing where my new career will take me.

This blog will act as my learning diary. I find that I retain knowledge better by writing down what I have learnt on a continuous basis. It’s also prompts further research in the hope that I don’t write down anything stupid (however this will be inevitable!). It will also serve as a good reference point for me in the hope that I don’t repeat any errors as I go on.

At the time of writing (August 2018) my coding experience has been quite limited. I’ve completed parts of the FreeCodeCamp curriculum, as well as many codecademy modules which I took in my spare time. In my previous job I wasn’t exposed to code, except for some small VBA macros which provided the initial curiosity. Given this experience, I’m sure I will write many incorrect statements! But I’m hoping that these will get fewer and fewer as my experience grows.

If you have any comments on any of my blog posts I would love to hear them. In addition if you have any advice for me in my development then please let me know as any advice is gratefully received.

Hope you enjoy.
